Fire Department

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Fire House Phone: 564-0520

Fire Department Officers are as follows:

OperationsAdministrationFire Police
Fire Chief - Todd Zwigart

Deputy Fire Chief- Dave Turner

Captain - William Skinner

Lieutenant 40 - John Tinari

Lieutenant 40-1 - Kenny Gabor

Lieutenant 40-2 - Tim Bloss

Fire Prevention Officer - John Tinari

President - Robin Bloss

Vice President - Michael Hays

Treasurer- Aaron Evelan

Recording Secretary - Cheryl Zwigart

Membership Secretary - Craig Moyer

Senior Trustee - Adam Sikorski

2nd Year Trustee - Scott Sheriff

1st Year Trustee - Jim Griffey

Captain - Murvin Grunden

Lieutenant - Norman Templin

Officer - Warren Greene

Officer - David McCaughey

Officer - Steve Kebede

Officer - Ken Aldridge

Officer - Janet Davis

Visit the official site of the Paxtang Fire Company

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